Sunday, 23 September 2007

The poems

The wedding poems


catrina&steve said...

This was the first reading

Native American Blessing -read by Helena Austin

Now you will feel no rain,for each you
Will be shelter for the other.

Now you will feel no cold,for each of you
Will be warmth for the other.

Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you
Will be companion to the other.

Now you are two persons,
But there is only one life before you.

May beauty surround you both in the journey
Ahead and through all the years.
May happiness be your companion and your days together be good
and long upon the earth.

Treat yourselves and each other
With respect,and remind yourselves
Often of what brought you togther
Give the highest priority to the
Tenderness,Gentleness and kindness
That your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulties and fear assail your relationship,as they threaten all relationship at one time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you not only the part which seems wrong.

In this way, you can ride out the
storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lifes remembring that even when you lose sight of it for a moment the sun is sill there.

and if each of you takes responsiblity for the quality of your life togther, it will be marked by abundance and delight

catrina&steve said...

This was the seond reading composed and read by Maxine Ridout

The Perfect Love Potion

For the perect love potion

First take some emotion

Add a hint of dstraction

But then team it with action

Take the touch of you and the touch of me

Not to little of you nor to much of me

Then combine it with laughter

And season with tears

Fold in friendship and trust

But then thicken with shared fears

Lastly leave it to simmer, but dont let it boil

Too hot or cold and the mixture will spoil

Let it stand till the thick skin,

That may form, disappears

Then let it breathe

And it should keep for years.

Hellish said...

As sister of the bride(yes - I know its hard to tell that we are sisters! and yes I am the sensible one! - Debs learnt all she knows from me!)

I came across this poem (actually stole it from someones elses wedding!) and thought it would reflect what relationships are really like!! None of this soppy stuff!

I am pleased i didn't have a 'moment' during the reading - it was difficult when you are looking at two of the worlds most wonderful people on such a perfect day!

Hope everyone else liked it too!
Glad I didn't follow Maxine - she's a pro'.

Anonymous said...

Well, Hellish, I thought it was perfect and very true - pleased You were the one reading it. I could not have done that without a 'moment' or even two. It was beautiful.
Maxine, a great poem and very well read - you have a lovely presence